
KB TIPS & TECHNIQUES 36 images NOVEMBER 2019 storage – despite how impressive it may look to set up your production thread on a pegboard, making a rainbow wall of thread choices at which a customer can marvel, I prefer to keep thread contained in covered plastic bins or drawers with speciality inserts to separate the cones. Using containers for your thread prevents infrequently used threads from becoming dusty, prevents exposure to UV rays streaming in from nearby windows, and helps to control the humidity, or lack thereof, from harming the thread. In my New Mexico shops, the desert air and extreme UV can make exposed threads brittle, whereas my friends in more humid climes have reported mildew formation on thread cones kept on cool exterior walls. Thread presentation Keeping your thread covered, in a fairly controlled level of humidity, away from UV exposure and extreme temperature swings will keep it clean, pliable, and unfaded. Create a small display of wound spools if you want customers to pick from threads ‘in the flesh’ for good colour matches, but store your stock away from the elements. Even with careful storage, you should think of your threads like canned goods: though they store well for a very long time, they are not likely to stay perfect forever. Use thread within a reasonable amount of time to avoid loosening and deterioration, and ditch thread that starts to show signs of ‘going off’, such sloughing off the cone or breaking too easily when tugged. Having a curated collection of colours in your preferred fibre is the base on which your thread stock must be built. From this versatile staple of stock 40wt thread, you can expand to the detail- enhancing thin threads, the stitch-count saving thick threads, and on into the specialities – from simple variegated colours to expensive retro-reflective yarn. Having your stock well-sorted and stored for longevity means that you have the ability to execute almost any design in-house at a moment’s notice. No matter what other thread you choose to expand beyond the standard, treat your basic stock with care, as it will support the largest part of your work as an embroiderer. Erich Campbell is an award-winning digitiser, embroidery columnist and educator, with more than 20 years’ experience both in production and the management of ecommerce properties. He is the programme manager for the commercial division of BriTon Leap. 60wt rayon thread Erich recommends curating a collection of colours Small spools used for sampling Think of your threads like canned goods: though they store well for a very long time, they are not likely to stay perfect forever The combination of 40wt thread and the 75/11 needle can accomplish almost any logo design A small display of wound spools for customers to choose from