
The brand new TexJet ® Echo 2 wil l seamlessly blend into your business and allow you to print the highest quality designs at the most economical cost. Call 02392 590281 for more information Options to customise your TexJet ® Echo 2 DTG printer: The DTG Printer You Can CusTOmisE To Fit Your Business | 02392 590281 | 2 Ink types 2 Ink configurations (CMYKW– 2xCMYK) Sealed or refillable ink cartridges 3 Pre-Treatment solutions, 2 for darks, 1 for lights and Polyester 10 t-shirt platens to choose from Screen and digital mix superior Print Quality The print head uses the smallest drop size of 3pl to achieve precise detail and allow photo-realistic quality prints that will make your products stand out. Easier to use increased Height most cost effective DTG printer Manufactured by Quick garment loading with auto height adjustments, Snap-On magnetic platens and pop-up guiding messages on display are some of the new features that you will love. Increased gap between the printhead and garment prevents pick up of fibres from the shirt, meaning less chance of damage to the printhead. For a print volume of 10.000 t-shirts/year (50 t-shirts/day) TexJet® Echo is the most cost-effective solution. Considering all the costs involved (printer price, maintenance, spare parts, inks, warranty and labour) TexJet ® Echo helps you reach the fastest ROI. Production time for this print volume is less than 2 hours/day. Imagine what you can do in a full working day! *Based on 50/50 darks/whites 25x20cm (10x8”) design, 720x720dpi CMYK, 1440x720dpi White New FeatuRes Distributors for Kornit, Melco, TexJet®, Forever, Oki & Sef Showrooms in Hampshire and Nottinghamshire